The reason for this is that plastic is the biggest culprit when it comes to waste production.
Plastic recycling
REPLAST for plastic recycling, located in South Lebanon. Plastic recycling includes taking any type of plastic, sorting it into different polymers and then chipping it and then melting it down into pellets.
REPLAST is considered a major solution of the environmental problem caused by pollution.
Plastic Recycling

Why Us

Yes it can! Here’s some fun facts from CalRecycle to show you how! If you look at the big picture of what it takes to create a product from scratch to get the raw materials, transport them, process them and manufacture them making goods with recycled material like paper, plastic, glass, and metal is a major energy saver.

The amount of lost energy from throwing away recyclable commodities such as aluminum cans and newspapers is equivalent to the annual output of 15 power plants. The energy savings applies to all recycling sectors

Last year alone, recycling bottles and cans saved enough energy to power up to 522,000 homes in California.

It conserves energy, reduces air and water pollution, reduces greenhouse gases, and conserves natural resources.